ASSC Scientific Meeting

Thursday 13 October 2016
8.30am to 12.30pm
Translational Research Institute, Room 2007 TRI

The ASSC Scientific Meeting, held at the Translational Research Institute, will be the official launch of the collaboration between The University of Queensland and QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute skin and skin cancer researchers.  Following on from the successful first member’s meeting, which outlined the scope of the ASSC, the Scientific Meeting will include cutting edge project presentations, including those which received funding in the first ASSC Enabling Grant Scheme.

Time Session Speaker
8.30am Welcome and Introduction Professor H. Peter Soyer
Professor David Whiteman
ASSC Enabling Grant Scheme Winners
Chairs: Prof Soyer and Prof Whiteman
8.45am Research evaluation of the Princess Alexandra Hospital Transplant Clinic: pilot study
Presentation available
A/Prof Nicole Isbel
A/Prof Louisa Gordon
9.00am Pre-clinical development of antigen specific immunotherapy and strategies to overcome regulation in cutaneous malignant melanoma
Presentation available
Prof Riccardo Dolcetti
9.15am Immune contexture of transforming naevi
Presentation available
Prof Mark Smyth
9.30am The feasibility of circulating tumour DNA as an alternative to biopsy for mutational characterisation in Stage III melanoma patients
Presentation available
Dr Lauren Aoude
9.45am Epigenetic modifiers as novel targets for therapy in melanoma A/Prof Jason Lee
A/Prof Helmut Schaider
10.00am Morning Tea
TRI Atrium
ASSC Showcase Presentations
Chairs: A/Prof Khosrotehrani and Prof Hayward
10.30am A Natural History of the Actinic Keratosis Microbiome in Immunocompetent Men Dr David Wood
10.45am The Australian Melanoma Genome Project Prof Nicholas Hayward
11.00am What is the role of the epigenome in the control of squamous differentiation and squamous neoplasia Dr Orla Gannon
11.15am Incidence, multiplicity and risk of keratinocyte cancer: An update from the QSKIN study.
Presentation available
Prof David Whiteman
11.30am Cell cycle-tailored targeting of metastatic melanoma: challenges & opportunities Prof Nikolas Haass
11.45am Statistical genetics: A Swiss army tool for understanding melanoma risk and outcome Presentation available A/Prof Stuart MacGregor
Dr Matthew Law
12.00pm Meeting close
12.05pm Lunch
TRI Atrium


More information on the presentations:

Event programSession ISession II



For more information, contact Melissa Kerr at