ASSC Skin & Skin Cancer Seminar, 12 May 2022
The ASSC Skin and Skin Cancer Seminars are back. This series aims to provide updates on the latest skin and skin cancer research, while also featuring invited speakers from enabling fields.
Date: Thursday 12 May, 2022
Time: 10.00am-11.00am*
Venue: Auditorium, Translational Research Institute (TRI)
(If you are unable to attend in person, you can join via
“30 Years of Skin Cancer Prevention – What have we learnt and where do we need to go”

Adjunct Associate Professor Craig Sinclair
Head, Prevention Division
Director, World Health Organization Collaborative Centre for UV Radiation at Cancer Council Victoria
*Please register your attendance either in person or via Zoom due to catering purposes as we will be providing a light morning tea.
Register now
Adjunct Associate Professor Craig Sinclair is the Head of Prevention at the Cancer Council Victoria where he is responsible for the development and delivery of population-wide cancer prevention and screening programs. He is also Director of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Collaborative Centre for UV Radiation and a member of the World Meteorological Organisation’s (WMO) UV and Ozone Scientific Advisory Group. In 2010, the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Craig with an EPA Montreal Protocol Award for his substantial contribution to human health protection.
Craig Sinclair will also be available for research mentoring meetings, as a visiting researcher in residence on Thursday 12 May at TRI. This provides an invaluable opportunity ASSC members to interact and share your research, particularly for early career researchers.
If you would like to book at meeting with Craig Sinclair, please email Melissa Kerr ( by at your earliest convenience.
Hosted by the ASSC & Health Translation QLD Skin & Skin Cancer Theme.