2017 Sunscreen Summit Banner


Melanomas and keratinocyte cancers (BCC and SCC of the skin) are largely preventable, yet their incidence remains extremely high and the costs of treatment continue to climb.

Primary prevention is the mainstay of skin cancer control efforts, and is advocated by all stakeholders. However, there is lack of consistency in how prevention advice is communicated to the public, especially advice concerning the use of sunscreen. As a group of skin cancer researchers and clinicians with a strong interest in public health, we contend that this inconsistency is confusing to the public and undermines efforts to reduce the burden of skin cancer.

To adopt a consensus approach to sunscreen policy, the Australian Skin and Skin Cancer Research Centre (ASSC) is hosting a Sunscreen Summit on 19 & 20 March, 2018.

This two-day invitation-only meeting at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute will bring together all stakeholder groups (including NGOs, government agencies, specialist colleges, research institutions, policy makers, consumers and investigators) in one forum to review the latest developments in skin cancer prevention. (Note: Industry will not participate in this summit.)

You are invited to attend both days of the Sunscreen Summit on 19 & 20 March, 2018.


The draft program is as follows:

Day 1: 19 March, 2018 – Scientific Meeting (tentatively 11:00 – 17:00)

  • Review developments in skin cancer prevention science
  • Identify barriers to implementation
  • Identify gaps in the evidence base regarding sunscreen and other skin cancer prevention activities
  • Review of current policy settings

Day 2: 20 March, 2018 – Policy Forum (invited representatives only) (tentatively 08:00 – 12:00)

  • Critical appraisal of current skin cancer primary prevention policies
  • Develop a national policy statement regarding sunscreen and primary prevention activities


Please register your interest by email (no obligation to attend).

More information will follow with an updated agenda, speaker list and accommodation suggestions.

While attendance at the summit will be by invitation only, we are very happy for you to nominate a delegate who can represent your organisation, should you be unable to attend. We also welcome suggestions for other individuals or organisations who could contribute to the policy forum.

Registration is free. We have applied for philanthropic funding to underwrite the summit, but as yet we do not know the outcome. As a consequence, we ask that participants be prepared to fund their own travel and accommodation costs.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with comments, questions or suggestions.

We look forward to welcoming you to Brisbane in March 2018.


David Whiteman

On behalf of Sunscreen Summit Organising Committee

QIMR Berghofer: Prof David Whiteman, Prof Adele Green, A/Prof Rachel Neale, A/Prof Louisa Gordon, Dr Catherine Olsen

The University of Queensland: Professor H. Peter Soyer

Queensland University of Technology: Prof Monika Janda

Cancer Council Queensland: Prof Joanne Aitken